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Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

Bali & Java

Ancient historical period: Indianized kingdoms I (800-1343 CE)

Before majapahit stand, when Srivijaya rule, a time when families sanjaya has won the power struggle, his descendants, King Balitung, with his Royal title, Sri Iswarakesawotsawatungga, reigned from 898-910. some of the inscriptions found in Central Java and East Java, so it can be concluded that he was the first king who ruled. written there, that Rakryan Kanuruhan, one high-ranking officials under the authority of the king. In Balitung inscriptions (898-907), who found in eastern Java, mentions the existence of an attack to Bali. It written also that they ask for protection from family sanjaya. King after Balitung is, Daksha (910 -919), with the rank of Rakryan Mahamantri I Hino (position directly under the king), then the next is Tulodong (919-924), with the Royal title Rakai Tulodong Sri Layang Dyah Sajanasanmatanuragatunggadewa, and Wawa (924-929) with his Royal  title of Sri Wijayalokanamottungga. After that (929), Sindok of Isanawamsa (929-947) came to power, and history ofsanjaya, and power in central Java has disappeared, the possibility of marriage between them, but the transference of power from central to eastern Java is still a mystery. there is an argument this happens because there are threats of Srivijaya. Sindok ruled along with his wife, Sri Prameswari Sri Wardhani pu Kabi. Including his successor is the Great Airlangga, written in the inscription, that stored at the Indian museum (calcutta). Granddaughter of Sindok, from Makutawangsawardhana, named by Mahendradatta or Gunapriyadharmapatni, married to King Udayana of Bali of Warmadewa family (History of Indonesian Culture 2, Dr. R. Soekmono, Kanisius)

The ancient historical period is defined by the appearance of the first written records in Bali, in the form of clay pallets with Buddhist inscriptions. These Buddhist inscriptions, found in small clay stupa figurines (called "stupikas") are the first known written inscriptions in Bali and date from around the 8th century CE.Such stupikas have been found in the regency of Gianyar, in the villages of Pejeng, Tatiapi and Blahbatuh.
This period is generally closely associated with the arrival and expansion of Buddhism and Hinduism in the island of Bali. The Belanjong pillar ("Prasasti Blanjong") in southern Sanur was inscribed in 914 with the mention of the reign of the Balinese king Sri Kesari. It is written in both the Indian Sanskritlanguage and Old Balinese language, using two scripts, the Nagari script and the Old Balinese script (which is used to write both Balinese and Sanskrit).The pillar testifies to the connections of Bali with the Sanjaya Dynasty in Central Java. It is dated according to the Indian Shaka calendar. According to the inscription, Sri Kesari was a Buddhist king of the Sailendra Dynasty leading a military expedition, to establish a Mahayana Buddhist government in Bali.
The stone temple of Goa Gajah was made around the same period, and shows a combination of Buddhist and Hindu (Shivaite) iconography.
Inter-marriages between Java and Bali royalty also occurred, as when king Udayana Warmadewa of the Warmadewa dynasty of Bali married a Javanese princess, sister of the Emperor of Java Dharmawangsa. Their son became the great ruler of East Java Airlangga, who ruled on both Java and Bali. In the 12th century, descendant of Airlangga are also known to have ruled over Bali, such as Jayasakti (1146–50) and Jayapangus (1178–81).
The island of Java again started to encroach significantly on Bali with the invasion of Singarasi king Kertanegara in 1284. Kertanegara was then toppled by Raden Wijaya, founder of the Majapahit Empire.
Contacts with China were also important during this period. Chinese coins, called Kepeng were in use in Bali from the 7th century. The traditional Barong is also thought to be derived from the Chinese dragon. In the 12th century, king Jayapangus of Bali is known to have married a Chinese princess (

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